Creda IDI60 manual Troubleshooting

Models: IDI60

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-Do not forget that repairs should only be carried out by a qualified specialist. Improper repairs can lead to considerable equipment damage, as well as danger to the user.

-The dishwasher must first be disconnected from the electricity supply before any repairs or other work can be carried out. Switch off at the mains socket and water supply and remove the plug.

Resolving minor problems yourself.

Experience has shown that you can resolve most problems that arise during normal daily usage yourself, without having to call out a service engineer. Not only does this save costs but it also means the appliance is available for use again that much sooner. The following list of common occurences and their remedies should help you identify the causes of most problems.

If the dishwasher won't

start, check...

Isthedishwasherpluggedinat the electricity socket and switchedon?

Is there a power failure, check otherappliances.


Is the water supply tap turned on?

Isthewaterinlethoseconnected properly?

Is the pressure of the water supplysufficient?


Is the filter on the water supply hoseblocked?

Isthedishwasherdoornotclosed properly?

If water remains inside the

dishwasher, check...


the drain syphon is not obstructed.

the dishwasher filters are not clogged.

If the dishes are not being

cleaned properly, check...

thecorrectamountofdetergent hasbeenadded.

thereisregeneratingsaltinthe saltcontainer.

the dishes have been loaded correctly.

the selected programme is suitableforthetypeofdishesand thedegreeofsoiling.

allfiltersarecleanandpositioned correctly.

the spray arm nozzles are not obstructed.

thereisnothingobstructingthe rotationofthesprayarms.

If the dishes fail to dry or

remain dirty, check...

thereisrinseaidinsidetherinse aidcontainer.

therinseaiddispensersettingis correct.

the detergent being used is of goodqualityandhasnotlostits effectiveness (for example, throughincorrectstorage,with theboxleftopen).

If the dishes show signs of streaking, staining etc. check...

therinseaiddispensersettingis notsettoohigh.

If there are visible traces of rust inside the tank, check...

the cap off the salt container is securely closed and that the watersoftnersettingiscorrect.

thecorrectamountofdetergent isbeingused.Certaindetergents can be more corrosive than others.

the tank is made of steel and thereforeanyrustmarksaredue toexternalelements(fragments ofrustfromthetankpipes,pots, cutleryetc.)Specialproductsare commerciallyavailabletoremove suchmarks.

Error messages

Yourdishwasherisequippedwitha safety system which is able to de- tectoperatingfaults.

Thesefaultsarereportedbyoneor twocycleindicatorlights"M"flash- ingrapidly.Takeanoteofwhichlights areflashing,turntheapplianceoff andcallCredaServicefortechnical assistance.

Tap off alarm

Ifyouhaveforgottentoturnthewa- ter tap on, your appliance will re- mindyouofthisbysoundingafew shortbeepsforafewminutes.Turn the tap on and your appliance will startupagainafterafewminutes. Wereyoutobeabsentwhenthese beepsaresounded,theappliance will be blocked automatically and cycle2and3indicatorlights(daily and rapid cycle) will flash rapidly. Turn the appliance off at the ON- OFF button, turn on the water tap andwaitapproximately20seconds beforeturningtheapplianceback on.

Re-select the wash cycle and the appliancewillstartupagain.

If after all the checks, the appli- ance still does not operate or the problem persists, call Creda Serv- ice (see KEY CONTACTS, back page)andinformthemof:


-theabbreviationofthemodel name (Mod.)andtherelativenumbers (S/N)writtenontheratingplate

located on the inner edge of the door.

Switch off at the mains socket and remove the plug. Turn off the water supply.


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Creda IDI60 manual Troubleshooting

IDI60 specifications

The Creda IDI60 is a versatile and efficient electric cooker designed to meet the needs of modern kitchens. This appliance combines both practicality and cutting-edge technology, making it a popular choice for home cooks and professional chefs alike. The IDI60 stands out for its sleek design, user-friendly interface, and robust performance.

One of the main features of the Creda IDI60 is its powerful electric cooktop. It comes equipped with multiple zoned cooking areas, featuring rapid-heating elements that ensure quick and even cooking results. The cooktop includes both standard and high-speed induction zones, allowing users to switch between traditional cooking and faster induction heat, which is known for its efficiency.

The oven within the IDI60 is another highlight of this cooker. With a substantial capacity, it offers enough space to accommodate large meals, whether baking, roasting, or grilling. The oven is equipped with advanced heating technologies, including fan assistance, which provides even heat distribution, significantly reducing cooking times and improving the quality of baked goods.

Another important characteristic of the Creda IDI60 is its user-friendly control panel. The intuitive interface allows cooks to adjust settings with ease. Digital timers, temperature controls, and pre-set cooking functions provide added convenience, making it simple to achieve perfect results.

Safety is also a key aspect of the IDI60. It includes features such as auto shut-off, residual heat indicators, and child safety locks, ensuring peace of mind for households with children. The appliance is designed with practicality in mind, featuring easy-to-clean surfaces and removable components that facilitate maintenance and upkeep.

The Creda IDI60 also emphasizes energy efficiency. With programmable settings and energy-saving features, it helps reduce electricity consumption without sacrificing performance. This not only benefits the environment but also helps consumers save on energy bills.

In conclusion, the Creda IDI60 electric cooker is a blend of innovation and functionality, making it an excellent addition to any kitchen. Its powerful cooktop, spacious oven, user-friendly controls, and safety features position it as an ideal choice for anyone looking to elevate their cooking experience. Whether you're an experienced chef or a culinary novice, the IDI60 promises to deliver exceptional performance and reliability in your cooking endeavors.