Stereo Input channel 2
Mix Send features
The XRM is capable of generating 12 mono mixes, 6 stereo mixes, or a combination of both mono and stereo mixes. Each of the six Odd/Even pairs of sends can be configured as a stereo pair- the Odd pot becomes the level control, the Even pot becomes the pan pot.The changeover to stereo operation is controlled by the STR PAIR switches located above the master faders.A LO CUT switch is also present for activating the hi-pass filter (40Hz, -18dB/oct) for each pair of mixes.
NOTE: The Stereo Channels differ in how they feed the Mix Sends.With the Mono Channels, there was only one source within the channel, so the feed to any Mix Send pot is always the mono source. Switching to Stereo-Pair operation simply took this mono source and allowed it to be panned across the odd and even buses. In the Stereo Channels, there are two signal sources, the left and right chan- nel signals. Normally, a sum of these two signals is fed to the Mix Send pots; a pre-fader sum is also generated for use with the Mix 1-4 PRE switch.When the corresponding STR PAIR switch is depressed, the operation AND THE SOURCE of the Mix Sends change.The odd pot still becomes the level control for both buses, but the even pot is now a BALance pot.The feed to the buses changes from a summed mono feed to both sides, to a left-to-odd and right-to-even feed.The stereo signal within the channel is maintained as it is fed to the stereo-paired mix buses. If the SUM INPUTS switch is depressed, the stereo signals within the channel effectively become mono and the Mix sends behave the same as on a Mono channel.
Mix 1 - 4 PRE
MIX Sends 1-4 are Post-Fader
MIX Sends 1-4 are Pre-Fader
Normally, the signal feeding the Mix Sends is derived after the main Chan Level Pot (Post-Fader).This Chan Level pot controls the level of the chan signal feeding the individual Mix Send pots. Each Mix Send pot is then used to generate a sub-mix of this channel signal.This Post-fader signal is also affect- ed by the Mute switch; if the channel is muted, the Mix Send no longer receives a signal.There are some cases where an independent mix is desired, the operator doesn’t want the Chan Level to affect the signal. On the XRM, Mixes 1 thru 4 can be switched to receive their signal PRE the Chan Level pot (Pre-fader).The default PRE setting for Mixes 1-4 is pre-fader, but it is still post-insert/post- EQ/post Mute. An internal jumper (per channel) can be changed so that the PRE setting becomes either pre-insert or pre-EQ.Another jumper allows this PRE setting to additionally be independent of the channel mute.
Mix Sends 1 & 2
Levels for Mixes 1 and 2 are controlled by this pair of knobs. In MONO mode, each knob controls the amount of chan signal that is sent to its corresponding mix bus. In Stereo Mode, the top knob controls the level to both buses and the bottom knob acts as a Balance control between the two buses- full CCW for Odd, full CW for Even.
STR PAIR sw in the UP position(located above Master Fader 1)

Knob 1: Send level for Mix 1

Knob 2: Send level for Mix 2
STR PAIR sw in the DOWN position

Knob 1: Send level for both Mix 1 and Mix 2

Knob 2: Balance control between Mix 1 and Mix 2
This Send arrangement is repeated for the remainder of the Mix Send pairs on the channel. Each pair’s operation is controlled by its own STR PAIR switch located above the corresponding odd-numbered Master Fader.
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