Cuisinart 01CU13179 Notes On Specialty Uses, Tips, Two-Slice Toasting, Single Slice Toasting

Models: 01CU13179 IB-4000

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Toaster Pastries

Exercise caution with toaster pastries: the filling can become quite hot, long before the surface of the pastry becomes browned. A low setting should be sufficient. Never leave toaster pastries unattend- ed while toasting or warming. Avoid iced pastries. The icing can melt onto the interior of the toaster or it can burn.

English Muffins and Thick Sliced Breads

Require longer toasting time than regular breads. We suggest that you increase the darkness setting on the browning dial to increase the toasting time.

Long Slices of Bread

If your bread slice is so long that a toaster slot can only accomodate a single slice, we suggest that you set the browning control to a lighter setting than you normally would.

Frozen Breads

The following breads and pastries should be defrosted and warmed using the “Defrost” button:

Frozen waffles, pancakes, French toast and bagels.

Press the “Defrost” button when defrosting and toasting waffles, pancakes, French toast and bagel halves. For best results, use a few toasting cycles at a low setting. A longer toasting time can result in French toast, waffles or pancakes that are toasted on the outside but cool or soggy on the inside.


Never force foods into the toasting slot. Foods should fit freely between the guard (guide) wires.

Do not place buttered breads or frosted pastries in the toaster, as this could create a fire hazard.

Uneven toasting is usually due to bread slices of uneven thickness.

Never insert hard objects into the toasting slot.

After use, unplug your toaster from the electrical outlet.


Most 4-slice toasters generate so much heat that when

2 slices are toasted the bread can be overtoasted. For two slices of regular size bread, follow these steps:

1.Set the slice control switch to the 1-Slice/2-Slice position 1 2. This will reduce the amount of heat generated and give better toasting results.

2.Put both slices of bread in the front toaster slot. This is the slot on the side of the toaster with the Cuisinart name on it. Putting

the slice control switch in the 1-Slice/2-Slice Toaster Pastries 1 2 position turns OFF the back chamber.

3.Start the toaster as you normally would (push down the carriage control lever).


A single slice of toast requires less toasting time than two slices of bread. Each chamber is designed for 2 slices of regular size bread. Lower the toast time for a single slice by turning the brown- ing dial to a lighter setting. This will prevent overtoasting

the bread slice. For one slice of regular size bread, follow these steps:

1. Set the slice control switch to the 1-Slice/2-Slice position 1.2. This will turn off the back chamber to reduce the amount of heat generated, and give better toasting results.

2.Put the slice of bread in the front toaster slot. This is on the side of the toaster with the Cuisinart name on it. It is also marked with arrows which point to the front slot.

3.Set the browning control to a lighter setting than you normally would for 2 slices.

4.Start the toaster as you normally would (push down the carriage control lever).


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Cuisinart 01CU13179, IB-4000 Notes On Specialty Uses, Tips, Two-Slice Toasting, Single Slice Toasting, Toaster Pastries