Appendix B: Setting up a TFTP Server

B.0 Set up a TFTP Server

Upgrading the VoIP Loudspeaker Amplifier firmware requires a TFTP server on which you access the Web interface where you can upload the firmware files.

B.0.1 In a LINUX Environment

To set up a TFTP server on LINUX:

1.Create a directory dedicated to the TFTP server, and move the files to be uploaded to that directory.

2.Run the following command where /tftpboot/ is the path to the directory you created in Step 1: the directory that contains the files to be uploaded. For example:

in.tftpd -l -s /tftpboot/your_directory_name

B.0.2 In a Windows Environment

You can find several options online for setting up a Windows TFTP server. This example explains how to use the Solarwinds freeware TFTP server, which you can download at:


To set up a TFTP server on Windows:

1.Install and start the software.

2.Select File/Configure/Security tab/Transmit Only.

3.Make a note of the default directory name, and then move the firmware files to be uploaded to that directory.

4.You can find several options online for setting up a Solarwinds server. This example explains how to use the Solarwinds freeware TFTP server, which you can download at:


VoIP Loudspeaker Amplifier Operations Guide


CyberData Corporation