Chapter 1

Introducing the UMDAS 0802DA

This user's guide contains all of the information you need to connect the UMDAS 0802DA to your computer and to the signals you want to measure. The UMDAS 0802DA is part of the CyberResearch™ brand of USB-

based data acquisition products.

The UMDAS 0802DA is a USB 2.0 full-speed, device that is supported under popular Microsoft® Windows® operating systems. The UMDAS 0802DA is fully compatible with both USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 ports. Refer to the "Be sure you are using the latest system software" note in Chapter 2, "Installing the UMDAS 0802DA," to make

sure you are using the latest USB drivers.

The UMDAS 0802DA features eight analog inputs, two 12-bit analog outputs, 16 digital I/O connections, and one 32-bit external event counter.

The analog inputs are software configurable for either eight 13-bit single-ended inputs or four 14-bit differential inputs. The 16 digital I/O lines are independently selectable as input or output in two 8-bit ports. The 32-bit counter can count TTL pulses. A SYNC (synchronization) input/output line allows you to pace the analog input acquisition of one USB module from the clock output of another.

The UMDAS 0802DA is powered by the +5 volt USB supply from your computer. No external power is required.

The UMDAS 0802DA is shown in Figure 1-1. I/O connections are made to the screw terminals located along each side of the UMDAS 0802DA.

Figure 1-1. UMDAS 0802DA
