1.Turning on theTV.
a)Ifthestand-byindicatorisred,thentheTVset is in stand-by mode.You can switch on using theremotecontrol“POWER”button(pressand hold0,5second),theNUMBER 0…9 buttons, or PR UP/DOWN buttons.The local PR UP/ DOWN buttons on the TV can also be used. Onceon,thestand-byindicatorturnstogreen and the picture appears on the screen.
b)Ifthestand-byindicatorisnotlit,thentheTV setispoweredoff.YoumustswitchONtheTV set local MAIN POWER switch on the set.If a picture does not appear,then the stand-by indicator will be red.In this case,use the re- mote control as indicated in a).
c)If the stand-by indicator is flashing red,and greenthentheTVsetisinchildlockmode.Itis necessarytousetheremotecontrolPOWER button,NUMBER 0…9 buttons,or PR UP/ DOWN buttons.ThelocalPR UP/DOWN but- tonsontheTVwillnotfunction.Onceon,the stand-byindicatorturnstogreenandthepic- ture appears on the screen.
2.Adjust program.
•Select the desired program by pressing the “PR”button or the number button.
3.Adjust volume.
•Sound reduces by pressing the“VOL”but- ton.
•Sound increases by pressing the“VOL”but- ton.
Note : Soundmutesbypressingthe“MUTE”(
) button.
4.Turning off theTV.
•Pressing the remote control“POWER”button and hold 0,5 second,will switch off the TVto stand-bymode(lowpowerconsumptionmode) whichalsoallowsquickrestartbyremotecon- trol (see above:Turning on theTV).
•Pressing theTV set local MAIN POWER button, you can power off the TV set.In this case,you