DVB Menu
Favourite List
You can select the desired item by using the“/”buttons and press the“OK”button to enter selected one.
Select Create item and press“OK”button to enter. The menu will be displayed on the screen.
OnceyouentertheCreateaFavouritelistmenu,anewchannellistwill be created,you can create a maximum of 4 favourites list.
You can lock or unlock the selected channel by pressing the“RED” button.A locked channel means that the selected channel cannot be viewed without entering in the child lock code.Pressing the“BLUE” button to skip or add the selected channel.If you want to skip or add all,firstpressthe“GREEN”button,then press either the“RED”button to skip all,or the“GREEN”button to add all.A channel selected as a lockedappearsinthechannellistwithalockicon(redbutton)against the channel name,a channel selected as an added channel appears in the channel list with a add icon (tick) against the channel name.
Bypressingthe“YELLOW”buttonyoucansortthechannelsinthelist. Then you can sort the channels alphabetically by pressing the“RED” button or sort the channels manually by pressing the“BLUE”button If you have locked several channels,by pressing the“YELLOW”but- ton,the locked channels will be placed at the bottom of the Channel list in alphabetical sort.
When you have completed your editing,press the“MENU”button to savethefavouritechannellistmenu.Thenextmenuwillaskifyouwant to save the changes you have made,using the“/”.
Ifyouwanttoquitthefavouritechannellist,pressthe“CANCEL/EXIT“ button to quit.
Onceyoulockachannel,youmustenterthePINCodethatissetinthe parental control menu at firstbeforethechannelisdisplayed.
Favourite lists
| Create |
| Access |
| ||||||
| Modify |
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| Access |
| ||||||||
| Delete |
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| |||
| Select |
| Access |
| Return |
| Exit | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||
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| Favourite lists |
| |||||
| ||
| FAV1 |
| |||
| 1 | five |
| 2 | QVC |
| 3 | Ch 15 |
| 4 |
| |||||
| 5 | TCM |
| 6 | UK Style |
| ||||
| 7 | Carton Nwk |
| ||||
| 8 | Discovery H&L |
| ||||
| 9 | Discovery |
| ||||
| 10 | Television X |
| ||||
| Lock |
| Skip |
| Sort/Move | Skip/Add All | ||||||||||||||
| Select |
| Return |
| Exit | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
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Favourite lists |
| ||||||
| ||
| FAV1 |
| |||
| 1 | five |
| 2 | QVC |
| 3 | Ch 15 |
| 4 |
| |||||
| 5 | TCM |
| 6 | UK Style |
| ||||
| 7 | Carton Nwk |
| ||||
| 8 | Discovery H&L |
| ||||
| 9 | Discovery |
| ||||
| 10 | Television X |
| ||||
| Alfabetical |
| Scrambled/ |
| Lock/Unlock | Move | |||||||||||||||||
| sort |
| Fla sort |
| sort |
| |||||
| Select |
| Cancel |
| Exit | |||||||||||||
| ||||||||
| Do you want to save changes? |
| |||||||||||||||
| |||
| Yes |
| ||||
| Select |
| Access |
| Exit | |||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| |
| Access denied |
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| ||||||||||
| Enter PIN code |
| – |
| – | – | – |
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