Dayton Operating Instructions and Parts Manual | 3VG80 |
Dayton® Propane
Construction Heater
Maintenance (Continued)
Green Lead
Power Cord
Green Lead
Ground Screw
Figure 6 - Location of Ground Screw
6. Carefully pull motor and fan out of shell.
IMPORTANT: Be careful not to damage fan. Do not set motor and fan down with the weight resting on fan. This could damage fan pitch.
7.Use hex wrench to loosen setscrew which holds fan to motor shaft.
8.Remove fan. Be careful not to damage the fan blade pitch.
9.Use nut driver to remove two nuts that attach motor to motor mount.
10.Discard old motor.
11.Attach motor to motor mount with two nuts. Tighten nuts firmly.
12.Replace fan on motor shaft. Make sure setscrew contacts flat surface on motor shaft.
13.Tighten setscrew firmly
14.Carefully route motor wires through hole in shell (See Figure 8). Place motor, motor mount, and fan guard into rear of heater shell.
15.Insert screws through heater shell and into motor mount. Tighten screws firmly.
16.Turn heater on its side to access opening in bottom of base. Connect green wires from motor, transformer, and power cord to heater shell using ground nut (See Figure 5, page 10).
17.Attach black and white wires to terminal board (See Wiring Diagram, page 14, for correct locations).
18.Replace base tray.
1.Remove motor, motor mount, and fan (See Motor, pages 7 and 8, steps 1 through 8) .
2.Clean fan using soft cloth moistened with kerosene or solvent.
3.Dry fan thoroughly.
4.Replace fan on motor shaft. Make sure setscrew is touching back of flat surface on motor shaft (See Figure 9).
Hole in Shell for Wires
Motor Mount |
| Hole in Shell |
Fan Guard | for Wires | |
Figure 7- Removing Motor, Motor Mount, |
| |
and Fan Guard from Heater | Figure 8 - Replacing Motor, Motor Mount, | |
| |
| and Fan Guard into Heater |
Motor shaft
Figure 9 - Fan, Motor Shaft, and Setscrew Location