Most problems are easily solved if the cause is known.
The machine will not operate at all. | Is there a power failure? |
| Has the power pad been pressed? |
| Has the start / hold pad been pressed? |
| Is there water in the tub? |
There is a restricted or no water supply. | See if the tap is open? |
If the water flow has not stopped after 20 | Are the water pipes frozen? |
minutes the fault code IE will be displayed | Has the water supply been cut off? |
and a buzzer will sound to indicate a | Is the inlet filter blocked? |
problem. |
The machine will not drain. | Is the drain hose blocked or frozen? |
If draining is not completed in a specified | Is the drain hose kinked or deformed? |
time limit the fault code OE will be | Is the end of the drain hose immersed in |
displayed and a buzzer will sound to | water? |
indicate a problem. | Is there excessive dirt in the drain filter? |
The machine will not spin. | Is the wash load located all to one side? |
If the load is unbalanced the spin cycle will | Has the machine been installed on an |
be interrupted and the machine will stop. | uneven floor? |
The unbalanced condition may be corrected | Is the lid open? The fault code LE will be |
by | displayed if this is the case. |
draining. If the unbalanced condition |
remains, the fault code UE will be |
displayed and a buzzer will sound |
indicating a problem. |
The Manufacturer strives for continuous improvements. For this reason, the text and
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Part Number 062 959