29 / 32 EN
Dryer / User Manual
7 Troubleshooting
Drying process takes too much time.
• Poresofthelintfilterareclogged.>>>Wash the lint filter with warm water.
• Filterdrawerisclogged.>>>Clean the sponge and the filter cloth in the filter drawer.
• Ventilationgridsonthefrontsideofthemachineareblocked.>>>Remove the objects (if any)
that block ventilation in front of the ventilation grids.
• Ventilationisnotsufficientsincetheroomwherethemachineisinstalledisverysmall.>>>Open the
door and window of the room to avoid the room temperature increase too much.
• Limedeposithasbuiltuponthedampnesssensor.>>>Clean the dampness sensor.
• Excessivelaundryisloaded.>>>Do not load the dryer in excess.
• Laundryisnotspunsufficiently.>>>Spin your laundry at a higher speed in your washing
Laundry comes out wet at the end of drying.
CAfter drying, the hot clothes feel damper than their actual dampness level.
• Itislikelythattheselectedprogrammedidnotsuitthelaundrytype.>>>Checking the care labels on
clothes, select appropriate programme for the laundry type or use timer programmes in
• Poresofthelintfilterareclogged.>>>Wash the lint filter with warm water.
• Filterdrawerisclogged.>>>Clean the sponge and the filter cloth in the filter drawer.
• Excessivelaundryisloaded.>>>Do not load the dryer in excess.
• Laundryisnotspunsufficiently.>>>Spin your laundry at a higher speed in your washing
Dryer does not switch on or the programme does not start. Dryer does not start when it is set.
• Itisnotpluggedin.>>>Make sure that the machine is plugged in.
• Theloadingdoorisajar.>>>Make sure that the loading door is closed securely.
• ProgrammeisnotselectedortheStart/Pause/Cancelbuttonisnotpressed.>>>Make sure that the
programme is selected and the machine is not in Pause mode.
• ChildproofLockisactivated.>>>Deactivate the Childproof Lock.
Programme is interrupted without any cause.
• Loadingdoorisajar.>>>Make sure that the loading door is closed securely.
• Therewasapowerfailure.>>>Press Start / Pause / Cancel button to start the programme.
• Watertankisfull.>>>Drain the water tank.
Laundry has shrunk, become felted or deteriorated.
• Aprogrammesuitableforthelaundrytypeisnotused.>>>Check the garment tag and select a
programme suitable for the fabric type.
Drum lighting does not turn on. (On models with lamp)
• DryerisnotswitchedonwiththeOn/Offbutton.>>>Make sure that the dryer is switched on.
• Lampisdefective.>>>Call Authorized Service Agent to have the lamp replaced.
End/Anti-creasing symbol is on.
• Anti-creasingprogrammeisactivatedinordertopreventlaundrythathasremainedinthemachinefrom
creasing.>>>Turn off the dryer and take out the laundry.