Toget the bestfrom your air conditioner,followthese recommendations:
closethe windowsanddoorsin theroomto be air conditioned.
Theonlyexceptionis whentheapplianceis installed throughaholeinthewall.
In thiscase,youarerecommendedto leavea slight draughtthrougha doororwindowto guaranteecorrect ventilation.
Protecttheroomfrom directexposureto thesun by partiallyclosingcurtainsand/orblindsto makethe appliancemuchmoreeconomicalto run; Neverrestobjectsofanykindontheairconditioner; Neverobstructtheairintake6 oroutlet1grilles; Makesuretherearenoheatsourcesintheroom.
Before cleaning or maintenance, turn the appliance off by pressingthe ON/Off button CA)or in models with remote control unit, by pressingthe ONlOff button 19, then always unplug the appliance from the mains socket.
Youshouldcleanthe appliancewith a slightlydampcloththen dry with a drycloth.
Forsafetyreasons,neverwashthe air conditionerwith water.
Neverusepetrol, alcoholor solventsto cleanthe appliance. Neversprayinsecticideliquidsorsimilar.
| To keepyour air conditionerworking efficiently, you should | |
| cleanthe dustfilter everyweekof operation. | |
...............i | ||
| Thefilter ishousedinthe intakegrille. | |
| Tocleanthefilters, removethefilter asshowninfigureL. | |
closedoorsand | Usea vacuumcleanerto removethe dust collectedon the | |
filter. | ||
windows | ||
| ||
| If it is verydirty,immerseinwarm waterandrinsea numberof | |
| times. Thewater shouldneverbehotterthan 40°C. | |
| After washing,leavethe filter to dry. Putthe filter backin its | |
| housing. |
donotcover theappliance
Neverusetheappliancein verydamprooms(laundriesfor example).
I | I |
i.i | closeblindsor |
i i | |
| curtains |
Makesurethe power cableand plug areundamagedandthe earth systemis efficient. Followthe installation instructions precisely.
Todrainall water from the circuit,removethe externalcapby unscrewingit in the anticlockwisedirectionthen, removethe internalcapfrom the drainhoseon the backof the appliance andallow the water to drainout intoa basin(figureM). When the applianceisempty,replacethecaps.
Cleanthe filteranddry thoroughlybeforeputting back.
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