5 | Select the optimum mode for the source. | • When the “SB CH OUT” parameter is set to “ON”. (Set “S. BACK” at system set up to | ||||
| “SMALL” or “LARGE”.) |
| (Pro Logic IIx | (Pro Logic IIx | (Pro Logic IIx |
| (Main unit) | (Remote control unit) | Cinema mode) | Music mode) | Game mode) |
| or | or |
| • When the “SB CH OUT” parameter is set to “OFF”. (Set “S. BACK” at system set up to | |||
| “NONE”.) |
| (Pro Logic II | (Pro Logic II | (Pro Logic II | (Dolby Pro Logic |
| Cinema mode) | Music mode) | Game mode) | mode) |
| or | or |
6 | Select the various parameters. (See “Surround parameters q” for a description of the various parameters.) |
| ||||
(Main unit) (Remote control unit) (Remote control unit)
7 | Set the various surround parameters. |
(Main unit)(Remote control unit)
8 | When the surround parameters are set using the buttons on the main unit, stop operating buttons after completing the settings. The | |
| |
| settings are automatically finalized and the normal display reappears after several seconds. |
| |
| 9 | Press the ENTER button to finish surround parameter mode. |
(Remote control unit)
•When making parameter settings, the display will return to the regular condition several seconds after the last button was pressed and the setting will be completed.