2Label format
• Label lines may consist of any character strings of up to 8 characters beginning with a sharp (“#”) (maximum 9 characters
including the “#”).
• The sharp is omitted when specified as such parameters as “GOTO”, “ONKEYGO”, or “ONBREAK”.
• The characters that can be used in label names are capital letters “A to Z”, small letters “a to z” and numbers “0 to 9”.
2Parallel remote terminal
During script playback, parallel remote terminal pins 1 to 6, 11 and 12 function as keys 1 to 8, and can be used with the script
command “ONKEYGO”, for example.
2List of script commands
(“n” refers to an integer)
Command @
01 comment
02 play PLAY Playback of 1 or 2 files. The script does not move to the next step unless the file is
played to the file end
03 play standby PLAYRDY Preparation for file playback
04 play start PLAYGO Start playback of file for which the play standby mode is set from the specified TC
05 end END End/change script file execution
06 pause PAUSE Set pause mode (screen blacked out)
07 still STILL Set pause mode (still picture displayed on screen)
08 stop STOP Stop playback (still picture displayed on screen)
09 audio control @ AUDIO Switch audio output on and off
10 video control @ VIDEO Switch video output on and off
11 goto GOTO Forced change of command sequence
12 vitc set @ SETTC Set SMPTE time code
13 wait WAIT Wait specified number of seconds or until specified time code
14 on key goto @ ONKEYGO Set a forced change of command sequence at the time of key input
15 on SMPTE-tc goto @ ONSMPTCGO SMPTE timer interruption
16 if day of week goto @ IFDWKGO Change command sequence according to day of week
17 on rtc goto @ ONRTCGO Real time timer interruption
18 on break goto @ ONBREAK Specify new processing position when an execution break command is received
19 osd display @ OSDDISP Switch user OSD display on and off
20 osd print @ OSDPRT Write 1 line of user OSD
21 osd attribute @ OSDATT Set user OSD attribute
22 osd clear @ OSDCLR Clear line(s) of user OSD
23 tc interrupt control @ TCINT Disable/enable time code interruption
24 rtc interrupt control @ RTCINT Disable/enable RTC interruption
25 com-port set @ COMSET Serial port communications mode setting
26 com-port put @ COMPUT Output 1 line from serial port
27 parallel out set @ OUTPORT Parallel remote output terminal setting
28 drive change DRV Change current drive
29 site command enable @ SITECMD Enable acceptance of site command
30 SNTP time calibration TIMECAL Time calibration by SNTP server
31 still mode set @ STLMODE Set screen display in still mode
32 variable set @ SET Set loop counter value
33 loop LOOP Loop according to loop counter and label
✽“@” in the “@” column indicates commands for which “@” can be used.
34 write log file WRITELOG Output log to file