Cautions on installation
Noise or disturbance of the picture may be generated if this
unit or any other electronic equipment using microprocessors
is used near a tuner or TV.
If this happens, take the following steps:
•Install this unit as far as possible from the tuner or TV.
•Set the antenna wires from the tuner or TV away from this
unit’s power supply cord and input/output connection cords.
•Noise or disturbance tends to occur particularly when using
indoor antennas or 300 Ω/ohms feeder wires. We
recommend using outdoor antennas and 75 Ω/ohms coaxial
For heat dispersal, do not install this equipment in a
confined space such as a book case or similar unit.
Cautions on handling
•Switching the input function when input terminals are not
A clicking noise may be produced if the input function is
switched when nothing is connected to the input terminals. If
this happens, either turn down the MASTER VOLUME control
knob or connect components to the input terminals.
•Muting of PRE OUT terminals and SPEAKER terminals.
The PRE OUT terminals and SPEAKER terminals include a
muting circuit. Because of this, the output signals are greatly
reduced for several seconds after the power switch is turned
on or input function, surround mode or any other-set-up is
changed. If the volume is turned up during this time, the
output will be very high after the muting circuit stops
functioning. Always wait until the muting circuit turns off
before adjusting the volume.
•Whenever the power switch is in the STANDBY state, the
apparatus is still connected on AC line voltage.
Please be sure to turn off the power switch or unplug the
cord when you leave home for, say, a vacation.
1. Always keep the POWER switch on the main unit turned
2. Turn the power on and off from the remote control unit.
3. Unplug the power supply cord when you do not plan to use
the unit for a long period of time.
If only the Power indicator is lighting red, this means that
the power is turned off from the remote control unit. Turn
the power on from the remote control unit.