Department of Communication
(DOC) Notice (Canada only)
This Class B digital apparatus meets the requirements of the Canadian Interference- Causing Equipment Regulations.
Cet appareil numérique de la Classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouiller du Canada.
European Community - CE Mark
Declaration of Conformity (DOC)
According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014
Manufacturer’s Name:
Digi International
Manufacturer’s Addr.: 11001 Bren Road East Minnetonka, MN 55343
declares that the product
Product Name: Edgeport/1 Model Numbers:
North America International
Product Name: Edgeport/2 Model Numbers:
North America International
Product Name: Edgeport/4 Model Numbers:
North America International
Product Name: Edgeport/8 Model Numbers:
North America International
Product Name: Edgeport/8r Model Numbers:
North America International
Product Name: Edgeport/8rr Model Numbers:
North America International
Product Name: Edgeport/421 Model Numbers:
North America International
Product Name: Edgeport/21 Model Numbers:
North America International
Product Name: Edgeport/42 Model Numbers:
North America International
Product Name: Edgeport/412 Model Numbers:
North America International
Product Name: Edgeport/416 Model Numbers:
North America International
Product Name: Edgeport/2c Model Numbers:
North America International
Product Name: Edgeport/21c Model Numbers:
North America International
Product Name: Edgeport/22c Model Numbers:
North America International
Product Options: All
conforms to the relevant EU Directives listed here:
EMC Directive 89/336/EEC
Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC
Amending Directive 93/68 EEC
using the relevant section of the following EU standards and other normative documents:
IEC 950:1991 +A1, A2, A3, A4
EN 60950:1992 + A1, A2, A3, A4
The following summarizes the specifications and requirements for EN55024, EN55022 Class B & CISPR 22 Class B emission and immunity tests.