1. In Performance mode, this knob adjusts the overall level of post amp model effects (Cho-
rus/Mod, Delay, and Reverb).
2. When editing a preset, this knob modifies the parameter listed in the column directly
above it for the selected Effect row.
3. When the Drums row is selected, this knob adjusts the playback Tempo of the drum
4. When the Expression row is selected, this knob selects the heel value for the Expression
Master Level (Knob 4)
1. In Performance mode, this knob adjusts the output level of the RP255.
2. When editing a preset, this knob modifies the parameter listed in the column directly
above it for the selected Effect row.
3. When the Drums row is selected, this knob adjusts the drum machine playback level.
4. When the Expression row is selected, this knob sets the toe value for the Expression
3. Edit buttons
These buttons navigate up and down the matrix, selecting the row of parameters which the
knobs will edit. Press one of these buttons to step through the Effect rows, and return to the
preset name display. See page 16 for more information about editing presets.
4. Matrix
The matrix provides information regarding the current preset and parameter edit functions. In
Performance mode, the LEDs running down the left side of the Matrix provide a visual indication
of which effects are in use for the currently selected preset. While editing a preset, the LEDs
indicate the Effect row currently selected for editing. In Tuner mode, the LEDs indicate whether
the note played is sharp, flat, or in tune.