Effect Definitions
The RP80 can be thought of as several different virtual amplifiers,and individual hi-tech effects.
Each effect within the RP80 can be programmed to suit your personal application.
Understanding how these effects alter the sound helps you achieve the sound you are looking
for.The following overview of the RP80s effects outlines what each effect does.

Preset Level

Controls the individual level for each preset. Because this setting is individual to each
preset,you may adjust the volume when using louder or softer amp models.


The Pickup Simulator gives the thick tone of a humbucker pickup from a guitar with single
coil pickups,or the bright edgy sound of a single coil pickup from a guitar with a humbucker.
Wah is an effect controlled by an expression pedal making the guitar sound as if its saying
Pickup Sim /
Wah Compressor Amp
Modeling Cabinet
Modeling EQ
Chorus / ModNoise Gate Delay Reverb