© 2003 Directed Electronics, Inc
TOP PANEL CONTROLS1. IInnppuutt GGaaiinn AAddjjuussttmmeenntt- Controls
amplifier sensitivity and is used to
match the input level of the ampli-
fier to the output level of the signal
2. CCrroossssoovveerr SSeelleeccttiioonn SSwwiittcchh-
Controls the type of filter for the on-
board active crossovers. FLAT does
not attenuate any frequencies and is
for full-range speaker systems. HPF
attenuates low frequencies and is
used for mid-range speakers and
tweeters. LPF attenuates high
frequencies and is used for
subwoofers speakers.
3. CCrroossssoovveerr FFrreeqquueennccyy AAddjjuussttmmeenntt-
Adjusts the crossover point for the
on-board active crossovers.
4. SSuubb PPhhaassee SSwwiittcchh- Changes the
phase of the subwoofer speaker
output by 180 degrees
5. BBaassss EEQQ SSwwiittcchh -- Adds 8db of addi-
tional boost to the subwoofer output
when active.
6. SSuubbssoonniicc FFrreeqquueennccyy SSwwiittcchh- Sets
the cutoff point for subsonic
frequencies at 30 Hz. Frequencies
below will be attenuated by 24db
per octave.
7. SSuubb IInnppuutt SSwwiittcchh- Controls where
the subwoofer section of the ampli-
fier gets its signal. If the SUB INPUT
switch is in the ON position the
subwoofer section of the amplifier
will get its signal internally summed
from the channels one through four
RCA jacks, and the SUB RCA jacks
do not need input. If in the OFF
position the SUB RCA jacks must
have input.
8. IInnppuutt PPaarraalllleell SSwwiittcchh- Controls the
input signal to the indicated chan-
nels. If the 3+4 switch is ON, chan-
nels three and four will derive their
signal from channels one and two
RCA jacks and no input is needed. If
the 3+4 switch is OFF, channels
three and four RCA jacks must have