© 2003 Directed Electronics, Inc
1. IInnppuutt//OOuuttppuutt SSiiggnnaall - Connect these
RCA jacks as described in the
Panel Connections/Controls
of this guide.
2. RReemmoottee SSuubb LLeevveell CCoonnttrrooll- Connect
the Remote Sub Level control to the
1200/5 only. The 1200/5 control
panel subwoofer adjustments are
used first to set the overall gain for
all synced amplifiers, then the
Remote Sub Level control can adjust
the gain of all synced amplifiers by
adjusting its control knob.
3. SSiiggnnaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonn- Connect an RCA
cable between the SYNC OUT RCA
jack of the 1200/5 and the SLAVE
IN RCA jack of the slaved 750d as
shown in Figure 5.
4. SSllaavvee//MMaasstteerr SSwwiittcchh- Set the
slave/master switch of the 750d to
the slave position. This will put the
I/O RCA jack in the SLAVEIN mode
so it will accept the audio signal
from the 1200/5’s sync out RCA
5. SSuubbwwooooffeerr SSppeeaakkeerr CCoonnnneeccttiioonn - In
this amplifier combination each
amplifier must drive its own separate
subwoofer(s). Connect the speaker
terminals of each amplifier to any
combination of one or more
subwoofers that results in nominal
impedance between 1 and 4 ohms.
Make sure that each amplifier sees
the same speaker impedance.