© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc.
AAddaapptteerr VViiddeeoo
AAddaapptteerr IIRR
In addition each IN 2 and IN 1 grouping has an IR output jack which passes the remote control com-
mands to the device (VCR, CD player, TV tuner or other devices) connected to this input.
CCoolloorr CCooddeeFFuunnccttiioonn
Yellow 1 (RCA) Video - In (V-IN 1)
Yellow 2 (RCA) Video - In (V-IN 2)
Yellow 3 (RCA) Video - Out (V-OUT 1)
CCoolloorr CCooddeeFFuunnccttiioonn
Red 1 (RCA) Audio - Right (Input)
White 1 (RCA) Audio - Left (Input)
Red 2 (RCA) Audio - Right (Input)
White 2 (RCA) Audio - Left (Input)
Red 3 (RCA) Audio - Right (Output)
White 3 (RCA) Audio - Left (Output)