© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc.
■When operating the unit, avoid contact with the LCD panel.
■Prevent metal or foreign objects being locked between the LCD screen and the enclosure.
Foreign objects may impair smooth running of the disc and may cause electrical problems.
■Keep unit away from equipment with strong magnets such as large loudspeakers.
■To prevent malfunction, do not play discs other than the ones listed below: DVD audio discs, CD-
ROMs, JPEGs, MP3s and DVDs with region numbers other than this player's region number.
WWeellccoommeeThank you for your purchase of Directed’s Overhead Monitor with integrated DVD. Prior to operating
this unit, please fully read this instruction manual and retain it for future reference.
WWhhaatt’’ss IInncclluuddeeddThe following items are included with your purchase:
Do not spray this unit with water or cleaning solutions. Moisture and the chemicals found in cleaning
fluids could damage the consoles finish and interior electronics. A soft damp, lens cleaning cloth
should be used to wipe the screen. Do NOTuse any type of scouring pad, abrasive cleaners, or solvents.
This unit is intended for use in the rear seat area only. It is illegal in some jurisdictions to install the
unit in a location that would allow the driver to view it while driving.
zMonitor with DVD Player zPower Harness
zA/V Switch Box zDIN Cable
z(2) Headphones (HP200) zDomelight Harness
zRemote Control zMounting Trim Gasket
zMounting Plate (with 4 screws) zA/V Cable for DVD Player
zAC/DC Adapter for DVD Player