| What’s | What’s Wrong | What You Can Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| When you | • Maybe you’re | • Remember, the remote control uses |
| press a button | trying to control a | IR signals to control all devices |
| on the remote | device and | except for the receiver (when using |
| control, the | you’re not | the UHF antenna). IR signals travel |
| device doesn’t | pointing the | only 40 feet or less, and can’t go |
| do what you | remote control | through walls or other solid objects. |
| expect. | right at it. | You must point the remote control |
| right at the device, with no objects to |
| block the signal path. |
| • Maybe the | • If the batteries are missing or dead, |
| remote control is | put in fresh |
| missing | the remote has fresh batteries, |
| batteries, maybe | check whether you put them in the |
| you put the | right way. If you didn’t, take them |
| batteries in the | out and put them in as described on |
| remote the | page 2. |
| wrong way, or |
| maybe the |
| batteries are |
| weak or dead. |
| • Maybe you didn’t |
| set the remote to | • Press the correct mode button to set |
| the mode for the | the remote to the mode for the |
| device you want | device you want |
| to control. | to control. |
| • Maybe you didn’t |
| set up the remote | • Make sure you set up the remote |
| to control the | to control all the devices you want |
| device. | to use. See Remote Control Setup |
| on page 6. |
| • UHF signals from |
| a neighbor’s | • Put a UHF attenuator on the |
| remote may be | receiver’s UHF Remote Antenna |
| blocking signals | input. This will help keep stray |
| from your | signals from blocking your remote’s |
| remote. | signals, but also cut down how far |
| away you can use the remote. |
| Change your receiver’s address |
| (see Change the Address on |
| page 9). |
| When you | • Maybe you have | • See Remote Control Setup on |
| press the | not set up the | page 6. |
| remote control | remote control. |
| Mute or | • Maybe you’re | • Set up the remote to control either |
| Volume |
| ||
| trying to control | TV volume or tuner/amplifier |
| |
| button, |
| ||
| TV volume but | volume, whichever you want. |
| |
| nothing |
| ||
| you set up the |
| |
| happens. |
| |
| remote |
| |
| |
| to control a tuner |
| or amplifier in |
| AUX mode. |
| • Maybe you’re |
| trying to control |
| tuner or amplifier |
| volume but you |
| set up the remote |
| to control a TV |
| in AUX mode. |
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