Do not attempt to cut grass when it is wet.
If the grass is tall, place the mower deck cut height lever
in the top or second notch. Initially overlap cutting
swaths instead of a full swath with each pass. Some
applications may require a second cutting.
Keep the underside of the mower deck clean.
Maintain sharp blades throughout the cutting season.
As a rule of thumb, never cut off more than 1/3 of the
total grass blade length.
Correct mowing height can reduce weeds and disease
by 50% to 80%.
The following grass cut heights are based an adequate
moisture conditions and normal thatch buildup in a
healthy lawn. Some locations and applications may
require slightly different cut heights. If in doubt,
consult your local lawn professional for assistance.
Grass Types Best Cut Heights
Bermudagrass 1 - 2
Bluegrass 2 - 3
Buffalograss 11/2 -3
Ryegrass 2 - 3
Tall Fescue 3 - 31/2
Zoysiagrass 1 - 3