Before perfore perf
ore perfore perf
ore perforor
orming anming an
ming anming an
ming any maintenancey maintenance
y maintenancey maintenance
y maintenance, tur, tur
, tur, tur
, turn off enginen off engine
n off enginen off engine
n off engine,,
allow to cool & remoallow to cool & remo
allow to cool & remoallow to cool & remo
allow to cool & remove keyve key
ve keyve key
ve key..
Use extreme care when working on machinerUse extreme care when working on machiner
Use extreme care when working on machinerUse extreme care when working on machiner
Use extreme care when working on machineryy
Do not wear waDo not wear wa
Do not wear waDo not wear wa
Do not wear watch or jewelrtch or jewelr
tch or jewelrtch or jewelr
tch or jewelryy
y. Do not wear loose f. Do not wear loose f
. Do not wear loose f. Do not wear loose f
. Do not wear loose fitting clothesitting clothes
itting clothesitting clothes
itting clothes,,
and obserand obser
and obserand obser
and observe all common safety practices with toolsve all common safety practices with tools
ve all common safety practices with toolsve all common safety practices with tools
ve all common safety practices with tools..


Check engine oil level..........................................................before each use
Clean grass & debris from muffler & manifold area....................before each use
Check air intake screen..............................................................after each use
Clean grass under deck...............................................................after each use
Check tire pressure......................................................................every 10 hours
Inspect blades for sharpness.........................................................every 10 hours
Clean air filter element................................................................every 25 hours
Grease all zerks...........................................................................every 50 hours
Check all belts..........................................................................................every 50 hours
Change engine crankcase oil........................................(5 hours break-in) every 50 hours
Change engine oil filter .....................................................................................every 50 hours
Replace air filter element..........................................annually or every 100 hours