•Use extra care in handling gasoline and other fuels. They are flammable and vapors are explosive.
Use only an approved container.
Neverremovegascaporaddfuelwiththeenginerunning. Allowenginetocoolbeforerefueling. Do notsmoke.
Never store the mower or fuel container inside a building where there is an open flame.
To prevent fire and explosion caused by static electricity:
Never fill containers inside a vehicle or on a truck or trailer bed with a plastic liner. Always place containers on the ground away from your vehicle before filling.
Ifagasolinedispensernozzlemustbeused,keepthenozzleincontactwiththerimofthefueltankor container opening at all times until fueling is complete. Do not use a nozzle
•Never run a mower inside a closed area. The exhaust fumes are toxic.
•Keep nuts and bolts tight, especially blade attachment bolts, and keep equipment in good condition.
•Never tamper withsafety devices. Checktheirproper operation regularly.
•Keepmowerfreeofgrass,leaves,orotherdebrisbuildup. Cleanupoilorfuelspillage. Allowmowertocool beforestoring.
•Stop and inspect the equipment if you strike an object. Repair, if necessary, before restarting.
•Never make adjustments or repairs with the engine running.
•Grasscatchercomponentsaresubjecttowear,damage,anddeterioration,whichcouldexposemoving parts or allow objects to be thrown. Frequently check components and replace with original equipment parts,whennecessary.
•Mowerbladesaresharpandcancut. Wraptheblade(s)orweargloves,anduseextracautionwhenservicing them.
•Batteries contain sulfuric acid. To prevent burns avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. To prevent a fire or explosion keep sparks and open flames away from battery.
•Before disconnecting the negative
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