13 YY
L-2448B Operation
Problem: Feedwater fault light onPotential solution:
1) Check for water pressure in boat’s potable water
2) Check for a valve that has been turned off
3) Check for a clogged feedwater filter.
4) Check for a clogged needle valve in the water
Problem: Ice delivery volume seemsinadequatePotential Cause/Solution:
1) High seawater temperature
2) High feedwater temperature
3) Low seawater flow, check pump and strainer
4) Drivemotor weak, replace motor
5) Corroded or stained auger due to water
condition, clean and/or replace assembly
6) Inlet water filter/strainer partially clogged,
replace filter
7) Loss of refrigerant charge, consult trained
Problem: Water LeaksPotential Cause/Solution:
1) Defective Water seal, replace seals
2) Water level in reservoir too high, adjust float
Problem: Excessive noise or chatteringfrom evaporator/auger assemblyPotential Cause/Solution:
1) Mineral or scale deposit on auger and evaporator
walls. Clean evaporator
2) Poor water supply, check for fouled filter or float
3) Gear reducer assembly loose on mounts
4) Gearmotor end-play of worn bearing, replace
worn part
Problem: Oil in auger assembly drain panPotential Cause/Solution
1) Water in gear reducer has raised level of the oil
so that it can run out of the weep hole on the
top of the gear housing. It may occur due to:
i. Leaking water seals in the evaporator/auger
assembly, replace seals.
ii. Loose or missing drain hose on weep hole,
which might allow condensate to leak into the
weep hole.