manufacturers offer the technology of tomorrow. Here, everyone can decide
for himself when the receiver should be outfitted with various encryptions.
The greatest flexibility is achieved with the multi-access modules from
various manufacturers. Here, there is the option of one or two Common
Interface slots. They can also be added later, without difficulty. The multi-
access modules provide the greatest possible security that they will in the
future continue to reign supreme in the world of encrypted digital program-
Video on Demand. In contrast to Pay TV, where a subscription is taken out for
a complete programme, here only individual broadcasts and films are ordered
and paid for. Until now, it was necessary to go the video store in order to find
your favourite film from a wide range. Video on demand offers this selection
at home and over the television. The film selected is received with the set-top
Video Cassette Recorder (Video recorder)
Satellite intermediate frequency = output frequency range of the LNC, e.g.
950 to 1050 MHz. Created by mixing the satellite reception frequency with the
oscillator frequency (L.O.F.)
Brand names here are protected by copyright and are the property of the respective name-bearers.
20. Glossary of terms
20. Glossary of terms