FIGURE 2.2 Minimum Height of the Chimney
2.2.1 Step by step installation of your factory-built chimney
The way to install your chimney may vary from one chimney manufacturer to another. The instructions contained in this manual are based on the recommendations of chimney manufacturers whose products are sold at many North American retailers of wood stoves and related heating accessories.
Wall support system
If your chimney must rise along an outside wall, you need to connect it to your stove through an adjacent wall. For this type of installation, the following items are normally required :
•Suitable lengths of chimney (enough to go up to your roof)
•An adjustable wall support
•A wall thimble
•An adequate number of wall bands (one for every 8 feet of chimney, excluding the roof portion)
•A stove pipe adapter
•One insulated tee & plug
•A roof flashing kit (if necessary)
•A chimney cap.
•Roof guys (if required)
Stove pipe
•An adequate number of stove pipe sections.
•A 90o elbow