Multifunctional settings
NETWORK Menu (continued)
1) Allows you to confi rm the current network settings of
the projector.
2) Click on "return to top page" to return to Screen 2.
Screen 3
Password Setting
2) Enter the new password.
3) Enter the new password again.
4) Click on "OK".
5) Click on "return to top page" to return to Screen 2.
assword is case sensitive and can be up to 16
single-byte alphanumeric characters in length.
Screen 6
DHCP Setting
1) Check the "DHCP" box to enable DHCP or uncheck
the "DHCP" box to disable DHCP.
2) Click on "Write".
3) Click on "return to top page" to return to Screen 2.
Screen 5
IP Confi guration
Allows you to configure the IP address, subnet mask
and default gateway if DHCP is disable.
1) Enter the IP address.
2) Enter the subnet mask.
3) Enter the default gateway.
4) Click on "Write".
5) Click on "return to top page" to return to Screen 2.
Screen 4