The Strata 128 has three different screen modes. The Strata 128 Plus and Strataview both have eight modes. To change modes, press the MENU key until the “DISP MODE” (Display Mode) menu appears. Then press the up or down arrow keys until the desired mode number appears. The modes are as follows:
STRATA 128 and STRATA 128 Portable
CHT 1 (Chart #1)
This is the default mode used when the unit is first turned on. It has the following features:
1.Automatic On
2.Fish ID Feature On
3.Digital Depth Display On
CHT 2 (Chart #2)
This is the High Speed Scroll mode. It shifts the chart speed into high gear, scrolling ech- oes at a high rate. It has the following fea- tures:
1.Automatic Off
2.Fish ID Feature Off
3.Digital Depth Display Off
DIG 1 (Digital #1)
This is the digital only screen. It shows the digital depth display at the top of the screen in very large numbers. The shallow and deep alarm settings are displayed beneath the digital depth. No chart shows on this screen.