5.Place ends of line in the two notches (B) molded in the spool with 12.5 to 15.2 cm (5 to 6 in.) protruding.

6.Place spool in housing against spring; thread line ends through housing eyelets (C)

7.Align cover arrow with housing tab; push down on cover and twist clockwise until cover locks in place.

8.Pull both lines out and trim to cut-off knife length.

Before installing, test head. Push center button while pulling on both lines. Trimmer line should advance approximately 1 (one) inch.


(GT-2400 Only)

Level 1.

Tools Required: Head locking tool - 1/8 in. dia. Rod (if head is to be removed)

Parts Required: ECHO 2 mm (0.080) Nylon Trimmer Line 6m (20 ft.)

1.Press tab and twist cover CCW (counter clockwise) to align arrows and remove cover. Lift spool from housing.