Wirel ess LAN AP Conf igurati on
WPA pr e-shared key
Wi-Fi Protect ed Access (WPA) is an advanc ed sec urit y
standard. You c an use a pre- share d key to authe nticat e
wireless stati ons and encr ypt data duri ng commu nicati on. It
uses TK IP to ch ange th e encr yptio n key fr equentl y. T his can
improve security very much.
Parameter Description
WPA(TKIP) TKIP can change the encryption key
frequentl y to enhanc e the wi reless LAN
This use C CMP protocol to ch ange
encrypti o n ke y frequentl y. AES ca n
provide hi g h le vel encr ypti on to
enhance t he wir el es s LAN s ecur i t y.
WPA2 Mi xed Th is will use TKIP or AES based on the
other co mmunica tion peer
automati call y.