Wirel ess LAN AP Conf igurati on
802.1x W EP stat ic ke y
IEEE 802.1 x is an a uthenti cation pro tocol. E very user must
use a valid account to login to this Access Point before
accessing the wirel ess LAN . T he aut henti cati on is proc es s ed
by a RADIU S ser ver. Yo u can us e an exter nal RADIU S ser ver
or use th e RADIU S ser ver bui lt-i n with t he Acces s Poin t. This
mode also uses WEP to encr y pt the da ta during
Parameter Description
Key Leng th
You can select the 6
-bit or 12
-bit key
to encrypt tr ans mitte d dat a. Larg er WEP
key lengt h will provide highe r level of
security, but the throughpu t will be lower.
You also c an sel ect D isab le t o transmit
data witho ut enc r yption.