Thimbles Disappearing from the Right Hand
and Reappearing on the Left ★★★
This trick requires considerable practice. To start, place a thimble on each finger of
your right hand (excluding the thumbs). Make the thimble vanish off the first finger
by trapping it at the base of the thumb and first finger. Extend the first finger again,
which is now empty (figures 2 and 3). Bring your left hand to your right hand and
take the thimble off the little finger and place it on the first finger (figures 5 and 6).
At the same time, slip your left first finger into the hidden thimble and steal it from
the right hand (figure 7). You can now show the audience that you only have three
thimbles on the right hand and you can show them the back of the left hand (figure 8).
Now hide your right first finger again and put the thimble at the base of the thumb.
Bring your left hand to your right hand and put the hidden thimble on your third
finger (figures 11 and 12). Hide your third finger again, and put the thimble from
your right second finger at the base of the thumb (figure 15). Then bring your left
hand again and put the hidden thimble on your left second finger (figure 16). Hide
the last thimble that you have in your right hand by making a trapping move (figure
18) and put it on the left little finger (figures 19 and 20). Now you can show the
audience that all thimbles appear on your left fingers.
Which Thimble is Chosen? ★★
Prepare a small card beforehand by writing the word “YELLOW” on one side and
on the other side the word “RED.” Put this card in an opaque (non-transparent)
envelope and remember which side is toward the flap. On another card, write the
numbers 2-1-3-4. Take the four thimbles. Arrange the thimbles on the numbers: the
red thimble on the 1 and the yellow thimble on the 4. It does not matter on which
numbers you put the remaining two thimbles. Have someone say a number from 1
to 4. Let us look at the possibilities:
If she says “1,” lift the red thimble and the number 1 written below will become visible.
If she says “2,” start counting from the left and you will end on the red thimble.
If she says “3,” start counting from the right and you will end on the red thimble.
If she says “4,” start counting from the left and you end on the yellow thimble.
No matter which number is chosen, you are always able to end on the red or the
yellow thimble. Now open the envelope with the chosen color facing toward the
audience and remove the card showing your “prediction.” Pretend to “fumble”
inside the envelope as you remove the card and the audience will think there are
more cards inside. Place it to one side and let them look at the card as you put the
rest of your props away.
Dotty Dots
Hold the playing die between your finger and thumb, displaying the number 6.
Now, turn your hand upside down to show the number 1 on the opposite side, and
then turn your hand back again to show the number 6. When you turn your hand
over again, this time twist the die between your finger and thumb and instead of the
number 1, you will see the number 5! It has changed!