3-2. Color

Adjust the color using by <Color> menu.

1. To set the color temperature

Æ Set the <Temperature>.

Temperature can be set from 4,000 K to 10,000 K, in 500 K increments. (Including the 9,300 K default setting.)

2. To adjust each color tone, (Red, Green and Blue)

ÆAdjust the <Gain>p.24) and <Cut off>p.24).

Change the <Color Mode> to <Custom>. The values shown in percentages (%) for both the Cutoff and Gain are available only as a reference tool.

(1)First, set the monitor to maximum contrast and brightness.

(2)<Temperature> Set the color temperature that is close to the desired color.

(3)Adjust each color to become a uniform black level by using the <Cutoff> function.

(4)Adjust each color to the desired white level by using the <Gain> function.

(5)Select <Save> and then press the Enter key.

(The adjustment data will be lost, if the monitor is turned off without saving changes.)

3-3. Fine Contrast

Set the contrast by using <Screen> menu.

1. To set the most suitable brightness of the screen Æ Select the <Fine Contrast> .

Select from the following modes to adjust the most suitable brightness of the screen.


• The text on word processor or spreadsheet software


• The photo or picture image


• The animated images (games, DVDs)

The still images that are dark

2.To change the fine contrast mode easily

Æ Customize the AUTO-SIZING button function for the mode selection.

Selecting the <Fine Contrast> on the <Button Setting> in the <Others> menu allows you to use the AUTO-SIZING button as the fine contrast mode selection. Pushing this button displays the contrast in order.

(TextÆ PictureÆMovieÆ Text...)