Frequency Response: | Polar Response: |
(5 dB per division) 1000 Hz
Microphone Use and Placement
Please note that micing techniques are a matter of personal preference. These are merely guidelines to assist in the placement of the microphone to gain optimal performance.
Usage | Optimal Placement |
Kick Drum | Remove drum head and damp with a pillow or blanket. Position the mic on the |
| pillow or blanket a few inches in front of the drum beater. As an alternative, |
| position the mic on a small boom stand with the mic extended into the drum |
| and at a 90° angle to the drum beater. |
Standard Placement & Use Guidelines
1. Always point the microphone at the desired source of sound, and away from any unwanted sources.
2.The microphone should be located close to the sound source to minimize interference from other potential sound sources.
3.Use the
5.Working close to the microphone will increase the bass tone and also provide increased
N/D868 Part Number: 6682819
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