Cooking Instructions
Broiling is a method of cooking tender cuts of meat by direct heat under the
broil element of the oven.
Preheating is suggested when searing rare steaks. (Remove the broiler pan
before preheating. Foods will stick if placed on hot metal.) To preheat, set the
control(s) to BROIL as instructed in the Owner's Guide. Wait for the element
to become red-hot, usually about 2 minutes. Preheating is not necessary
when broiling meats well-done.
To Broil
Broil on side until the food is browned; turn and cook on the second side.
Season and serve. Always pull rack out to the "stop" position before turning
or removing food.
Broiling Tips
The broiler pan and it grid allow dripping grease to drain and be kept away
from the high heat of the broiler.
Broiling Times
Use the following table for approximate broiling times. Increase or
decrease broiling times, or move the broiling pan to a different rack
position to suit for doneness. If the food you are broiling is not listed in the
table, follow the instructions provided in your cookbook and watch the item
DO NOT use the pan without its grid. DO NOT cover the grid with foil. The exposed grease could
Should an oven fire occur, close the oven door and turn off the oven. If the fire
continues, throw baking soda on the fire or use fire extinguisher. DO NOT put water or flour
on the fire. Flour may be explosive.
Electric Range Broiling Table Recommendations
Food Rack Temp Cook Time
Item Position Setting 1st side 2nd side Doneness
Steak 1" thick 5 or 6 550° F 6:00 4:00 Rare
5 or 6 550° F 7:00 5:00 Medium
Pork Chops 3/4" thick 5 or 6 550° F 8:00 6:00 Well
Chicken - Bone In 4 450° F 20:00 10:00 Well
Chicken - Boneless 5 or 6 450° F 8:00 6:00 Well
Fish 5 or 6 500° F 13:00 n/a Well
Shrimp 4 550° F 5:00 n/a Well
Hamburger 1" thick 5 or 6 550° F 9:00 7:00 Medium
4 550° F 10:00 8:00 Well
Broil Stop Position
Broiler Pan