
U ladici postoji pre- grada koju možete staviti u različite položaje za omogu-

ćavanje najprikladnije podjele namirnica

prema vlastitim po- trebama.

Na dnu ladice nalazi se rešetka (ako je

predviđena), koja odvaja voće i povrće od vlage koja se može pojaviti na površini dna. Sve dijelove u ladici možete izvaditi radi čiš- ćenja.

Za regulaciju vlage u ladici s povrćem ugrađen je uređaj s urezima (prilagodivim pomoću klizne poluge).

Kad su otvori za ven- tilaciju zatvoreni: prirodna vlaga koju sadrži hrana u

odjeljcima za voće i povrće dulje će se oču- vati.

Kad su otvori za ventilaciju otvoreni:

veće kruženje zraka dovodi do nižeg stupnja vlage u odjeljcima za voće i povrće.

Stavljanje polica vrata

Za spremanja pakiranja hrane različitih veliči- na police vrata mogu se postaviti na različitim visinama.

Police prilagodite na sljedeći način: postupno povucite policu u smjeru strelica dok se ne oslobodi, potom je ponovo postavite prema vlastitim potrebama.

Hlađenje zraka

DAC ventilator (Dynamic Air Cooling) omogu- ćuje brzo hlađenje namirnica i ravnomjerniju temperaturu u odjeljku.

Ventilator možete uključiti pritiskom na prekidač prikazan na slici. Uključuje se zeleno svjetlo.


Važno Ventilator uključite kada temperatura okoline premaši 25 °C.

Proizvodnja kockica leda

Ovaj je uređaj opremljen s jednom ili više po- suda za proizvodnju kockica leda.

One su umetnute na bočnim stranama gornje ladice zamrzivača.

Izvucite gornju ladicu zamrzivača. Izvucite posudu za led. Povucite traku. Napunite po- sudu s vodom do oznake „MAX“.

Ponovno postavite traku i umetnite posudu na odgovarajuće mjesto.

Za uklanjanje ledenih kockica okrenite posu- du s ledenim iglicama prema gore i udarite o krutu površinu.

Kako biste jednostavnije oslobodili ledene iglice, preporučujemo da zatvorenu posudu držite ispod mlake vode nekoliko sekundi.

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Electrolux ENB44693X Prema vlastitim po- trebama, Stavljanje polica vrata, Hlađenje zraka, Proizvodnja kockica leda

ENB44693X specifications

The Electrolux ENB44693X stands out as a premium built-in refrigerator, skillfully designed to enhance your kitchen's efficiency and aesthetic appeal. This appliance combines advanced technology with user-friendly features to ensure optimal food preservation and energy efficiency.

One of the key features of the ENB44693X is its impressive capacity, making it suitable for both small and large households. The refrigerator provides ample space for groceries, featuring adjustable shelves that allow for customization based on your storage needs. The spacious compartment is complemented by various door racks, which offer additional storage solutions for smaller items.

Incorporating the latest cooling technologies, the ENB44693X boasts a No Frost system that prevents the build-up of ice, eliminating the need for manual defrosting. This feature not only saves you time but also helps maintain consistent temperature and humidity levels throughout the refrigerator, preserving the freshness of your food for longer periods.

The refrigerator also employs a MultiFlow cooling system, which ensures a uniform circulation of cold air throughout the compartments. This technology promotes even temperature distribution, reducing hot spots and allowing your food to stay fresh regardless of where it is placed inside the fridge.

Energy efficiency is another significant aspect of the Electrolux ENB44693X. Designed with energy-saving features, this refrigerator operates quietly and efficiently, contributing to lower energy bills without compromising performance. The appliance is rated with a favorable energy class, making it an environmentally friendly option for consumers looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

For added convenience, the ENB44693X includes smart storage solutions such as crispers ideal for fruits and vegetables. These drawers feature humidity controls that help maintain the ideal environment for different types of produce.

Stylishly finished in stainless steel, the ENB44693X not only functions flawlessly but also adds a modern touch to your kitchen decor. The sleek design and minimalistic handles ensure that this refrigerator complements any contemporary kitchen style.

Overall, the Electrolux ENB44693X is a reliable and feature-rich appliance dedicated to providing optimal food storage and preservation, making it an excellent investment for any modern kitchen.