4Important safety instructions
Important safety instructionsImportant safety instructions: Read carefully andkeep for future reference

To avoid the danger of fire

TThhee mmiiccrroowwaavvee oovveenn sshhoouulldd nnoott bbee lleefftt uunnaatttteennddeedd dduurriinngg ooppeerraattiioonn..
PPoowweerr lleevveellss tthhaatt aarree ttoooo hhiigghh oorr ccooookkiinngg ttiimmeess tthhaatt aarree ttoooo lloonngg mmaayy oovveerrhheeaatt
ffooooddss rreessuullttiinngg iinn aa ffiirree..
The electrical outlet must be readily accessible so that the unit can be unplugged
easily in an emergency.
Do not store or use the oven outdoors.
IIff ffoooodd bbeeiinngg hheeaatteedd bbeeggiinnss ttoo ssmmookkee,, DDOO NNOOTT OOPPEENN TTHHEE DDOOOORR.. TTuurrnn ooffff aanndd
uunnpplluugg tthhee oovveenn aanndd wwaaiitt uunnttiill tthhee ffoooodd hhaass ssttooppppeedd ssmmookkiinngg.. OOppeenniinngg tthhee ddoooorr
wwhhiillee ffoooodd iiss ssmmookkiinngg mmaayy ccaauussee aa ffiirree..
OOnnllyy uussee mmiiccrroowwaavvee--ssaaffee ccoonnttaaiinneerrss aanndd uutteennssiillss..
DDoo nnoott lleeaavvee tthhee oovveenn uunnaatttteennddeedd wwhheenn uussiinngg ddiissppoossaabbllee ppllaassttiicc,, ppaappeerr oorr ootthheerr
ccoommbbuussttiibbllee ffoooodd ccoonnttaaiinneerrss..
CClleeaann tthhee wwaavveegguuiiddee ccoovveerr,, tthhee oovveenn ccaavviittyy,, tthhee ttuurrnnttaabbllee aanndd ttuurrnnttaabbllee ssuuppppoorrtt
aafftteerr uussee.. TThheessee mmuusstt bbee ddrryy aanndd ffrreeee ffrroomm ggrreeaassee.. BBuuiilltt--uupp ggrreeaassee mmaayy oovveerrhheeaatt
aanndd bbeeggiinn ttoo ssmmookkee oorr ccaattcchh ffiirree..
Do not place flammable materials near the oven or ventilation openings. Do not
block the ventilation openings.
Remove all metallic seals, wire twists, etc., from food and food packages. Arcing on
metallic surfaces may cause a fire.
Do not use the microwave oven to heat oil for deep frying. The temperature cannot
be controlled and the oil may catch fire.
To make popcorn, only use special microwave popcorn makers.
Do not store food or any other items inside the oven.
Check the settings after you start the oven to ensure the oven is operating as desired.
See the corresponding hints in this operation manual.

To avoid the possibility of injury

Do not operate the oven if it is damaged or malfunctioning. Check the following
before use:
a) The door; make sure the door closes properly and ensure it is not misaligned or
b) The hinges and door safety latches; check to make sure they are not broken or loose.
c) The door seals and sealing surfaces; ensure that they have not been damaged.
d) Inside the oven cavity or on the door; make sure there are no dents.
e) The power supply cord and plug; ensure that they are not damaged.