Color Menu
Elo Entuitive Touc hmonitor CRT User Guid e - 19
Adjusting Color
1. Use the <+> or <> button to scroll up or down.
2. Press the Function button to select one of the preset color
When the User Color 1 or User Color 2 menu first appears, the letter R
is highlighted.
1. Use the <+> or <> button to scroll up or down.
2. Press the Function button to choose the R,G, or B parameter.
3. With the R,G, or B block highlighted, use the <+> or <> button
to adjust the parameter.
4. If you prefer a preset color temperature you can select Reset to
5. Press the Function button to complete the parameter adjust-
Functions Description
9300K Preset color mode 1.
6500K Preset color mode 2.
User Color 1 Adjusts parameters for the colors Red, Green, and Blue.
User Color 2 Adjusts parameters for the colors Red, Green, and Blue.
User Color 1
- (Dow n) +(Up )
Reset to 9300K
Save and Return
Highlight block