Chapter 3 : Operation
20 - Elo Entuiti ve Touchmonitor CRT User Guide
6. Once you have completed your adjustments, highlight the Save
and Return option to save and return to the Color menu, or select
Cancel to quit User Color 1 or User Color 2 without saving
Degauss Menu
The degauss function demagnetizes the CRT to ensure color purity. By
selecting this function, your CRT touchmonitor is automatically
degaussed each time you turn it on.
Press the Function button and choose Degauss from the menu.
Note: Both 15 and 17-inch monitors degauss automatically when pow-
ered on. Only the 17-inch monitor has the Degauss menu option.
Language Menu
Press the Function button to choose English, Italian, French, German,
or Spanish. When you select a language, all other menus are displayed
in that language.
1. Use the <+> or <> button to scroll up or down.
2. Press the Function button to select a parameter in the Language
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