Installing the Serial Touch Driver for MS-DOS and Windows 3.1

To install the drivers for Windows 3.x and MS-DOS from Windows 95/98, follow these steps:

1Insert the Elo CD-ROM in your computer’s CD-ROM drive.

2From DOS, type d:\EloDos_W31 to change to the correct directory on the CD-ROM (your CD-ROM drive may be mapped to a different drive letter).

3Type INSTALL and press Enter to start the installation.

4Align the touchscreen.

If you need additional installation information, see Chapter 2 of the Elo DOS and Windows Driver Guide found on .

To run the INSTALL program:

1Type INSTALL at the DOS prompt in the directory containing the driver install files.

2INSTALL asks you to select the software to install.

3Choose d:\EloDos_W31 from the displayed list.

4INSTALL also asks you for the paths to use during installation. You may select a path, or use the defaults. INSTALL creates directories as necessary, and warns you if they exist.

If you are updating your software, you may wish to specify the paths containing the earlier versions, and overwrite the obsolete files. All executable programs are upward compatible. For a list of differences from each previous version of the drivers, be sure to select "Differences from Previous Versions" during the installation process.

INSTALL updates your AUTOEXEC.BAT file with the drivers you select. INSTALL makes a copy of your original AUTOEXEC.BAT file, called AUTOEXEC.OLD. If you already have Elo driver commands in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, they will be commented out.

When INSTALL is finished, it leaves a file called GO.BAT in the subdirectory you specified. GO loads the touchscreen driver, runs the calibration program ELOCALIB, and gives you some final instructions.

If you are using Windows 3.1, you will also align the touchscreen within Windows 3.1 using the Touchscreen Control Panel.

2-14E l o E n t u i t i v e T o u c h m o n i t o r U s e r G u i d e

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Elo TouchSystems ET1566L-7SWC-1 manual Installing the Serial Touch Driver for MS-DOS and Windows