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Page 99
Image 99
Elta 6695 manual Harýcý Býlgýler, CD Çaliþmamakta, CD Playback Çaliþmamakta, Çevresel Býlgýler

6695 specifications

The Elta 6695 is a state-of-the-art advanced radar system designed to enhance surveillance and air defense capabilities. Developed by Israel Aerospace Industries, this system stands out for its versatility, high performance, and technological innovations, making it a notable choice for military and defense applications.

One of the main features of the Elta 6695 is its advanced phased array technology, which allows for rapid scanning of airspace. This technology enables the radar to track multiple targets simultaneously, providing real-time situational awareness. The Elta 6695 can detect a wide range of aerial threats, including low-flying aircraft, drones, and missiles, making it an invaluable tool for air defense networks.

The Elta 6695 boasts a high-resolution imaging capability, which allows it to distinguish between different types of targets, thereby reducing false alarms. This precision is crucial in military operations where quick and accurate decision-making is essential. The radar system operates in various environmental conditions, maintaining optimal performance regardless of weather factors such as rain, fog, or dust.

Another significant characteristic of the Elta 6695 is its digital signal processing capabilities. This feature enhances target detection and tracking accuracy while minimizing the radar's vulnerability to electronic warfare tactics. The system uses sophisticated algorithms to filter out noise and other interferences, ensuring reliable performance even in contested environments.

Additionally, the Elta 6695 is designed for easy integration with other sensor platforms and command and control systems. This interoperability allows military forces to create a comprehensive air defense architecture that can effectively coordinate responses to aerial threats.

Mobility is another key attribute of the Elta 6695. The system can be mounted on various platforms, including ground vehicles, ships, and even aircraft, providing a flexible solution for different operational needs. This adaptability ensures that the radar can be deployed rapidly in response to emerging threats.

In summary, the Elta 6695 radar system offers advanced capabilities that cater to the modern battlefield. With its cutting-edge technology, high-resolution imaging, robust digital signal processing, and integration potential, it provides defense forces with the tools needed for effective surveillance and air defense. As military operations evolve, systems like the Elta 6695 play a crucial role in maintaining strategic advantage in air superiority.