
Rating Specification


Power Supply

120V~ 60Hz


Microwave Output Power






Microwave Frequency



Oven Capacity

0.7 cubic feet





Outside Dimensions

17.2 (W) x 12.9 (D) x 10.2 (H) inches (438 x 327 x 258mm)



21.7 Lbs (9.9kgs)





Refer to the following checklist before you call for service.

If the oven does not work:

1.Check that the power cord is securely plugged in.

2.Check that the door is firmly closed.

3.Check that the cooking time is set.

4.Check for a blown circuit fuse or tripped main circuit breaker in your house.

5.Check that the Child Lock feature is not engaged.

If there is sparking in the cavity:

1. Check the containers, dishes￿￿￿￿or utensils￿￿in￿￿￿￿￿￿the oven and￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿make sure they￿￿￿￿5are not55￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿5￿￿￿'''metal-or have￿￿￿metal7￿￿￿￿5￿5￿trim.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿5￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿2￿￿ ￿￿￿￿56￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿5￿￿


Emerson Radio Corp.

Consumer Affairs Dept.

5101 Statesman Drive,

Irving, TX 75063.


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Emerson MW8784SB Specifications, Before YOU Call for Service, Rating Specification, If there is sparking in the cavity

MW8784SB specifications

The Emerson MW8784SB is a versatile microwave oven that embodies modern technology and user-friendly design, perfect for any kitchen setting. This appliance is equipped with a range of features that enhance cooking efficiency and convenience.

One standout characteristic of the Emerson MW8784SB is its powerful 800-watt cooking power. This allows users to heat and cook food quickly and evenly. With ten adjustable power levels, the microwave provides flexibility for various cooking needs, whether you are reheating leftovers, defrosting frozen foods, or cooking meals from scratch.

The microwave has a spacious 0.9 cubic feet capacity, which accommodates a variety of dish sizes, from microwave-safe containers to larger platters. Its rotating turntable ensures that food is cooked evenly, eliminating cold spots that can result from uneven heating.

Another important feature of the Emerson MW8784SB is its user-friendly control panel. The intuitive interface includes a digital display and an array of pre-programmed cooking options that simplify meal preparation. With one-touch buttons for popular food items such as popcorn, pizza, and beverages, cooking becomes a hassle-free experience. The microwave also features a time and weight defrost option, allowing users to thaw food without cooking it.

In terms of design, the Emerson MW8784SB sports a sleek black finish, which adds a touch of elegance to any kitchen countertop. The compact design makes it ideal for smaller spaces, while still providing ample cooking capacity.

Safety is also a priority with this microwave, as it comes equipped with a child safety lock. This feature prevents unintended use, providing peace of mind for parents and caregivers.

In addition to cooking capabilities, the Emerson MW8784SB includes a bright LED display that makes it easy to monitor cooking times and settings. The microwave is also designed for ease of cleaning, with a smooth interior that can be wiped down easily after use.

Overall, the Emerson MW8784SB is a practical and stylish appliance that combines powerful performance with user-friendly features. Its thoughtful design and advanced technology make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their cooking experience.