WDS (AP Bridge)
Auto (AP Bridge)
Items Information
WDS Select the option in the drop list to enable AP+WDS
(AP Repeater), WDS (AP Bridge) or Auto (AP Bridge)
as WDS format.
Encryption Type Select the option in the drop list to enable WEP,
WPA/TKIP, and WPA/AES encryption types. If you
select None, any data will be transmitted without
encryption and any station can access the router.
WPA Encryption
Key For encryption type of WPA/TKIP and WPA/AES, you
have to fill in the WPA encryption key. Please use
Pass Phrase (8~32bytes) key format.
List For encryption type of WPA/TKIP and WPA/AES, you
have to fill in the WDS AP MAC. You can fill up to 4
sets of WDS AP MAC lists.
* Please click on the Save Settings button or the Reset Settings button on the above table
to save/reset the configurations.