File Download- File Download Configuration
The File Download page allows users to download files with this device.
Note: Before using this function, you should load the “ntx_libra.tgz” first.
To get information for installing the “ntx_libra.tgz” file, please see” Load
firmware extensions
The instruction below uses the following assumptions:
The address for downloading:
The authorized account name: peter
The target folder where the downloaded data is going to be placed: Share
Note: The download address, account name and password are made up for the
example. There is no such an address and account.
To start a download task
1. Fill the address you get for downloading files in the “Address” box. (ex, enter
the address http://www.(example).com/downloads/sample_file to the
Address” box)
2. Enter an account name and password in the “Account” and “Password” box
respectively. (Ex, enter “peter” in the “Account” box and “12345” in the
Password” box.
3. Select a folder to place the downloaded data in “Save Path” drop list. (Ex,
Select the folder Share from the drop list.)
4. Click Apply to perform file download.
5. To cancel or terminate a download task, click the “Del” button to erase the
download information then click “Apply” to execute.
6. You may also click the “Status” button to check the download information.