includes WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, or Unknown.
h Encryption: Displays the encryption on the Access Point, this includes
WEP, TKIP, AES or None.
h Network Type: Indicates whether the SSID is a Station (Ad-hoc) or
Access Point (Infrastructure).
h Rescan: Click on this button to view a list of Access Points in the area.
h Connect: to connect with a specific Access Point, select the SSID from
the list, and then click on the Connect button.
h Add Profile: Click on this button to add the SSID and its associated
settings into a profile.
h Click on the OK button if you have made any changes.
The Statistics tab displays transmit and receive packet statistics in real-time.
Information included is frames transmitted/received successfully, transmitted
successfully without and after retry, received with CRC error, duplicate frames
received, etc.
The Advanced tab is used to configure the wireless mode (802.11b-only,
802.11g-only, or 802.11b/g-mixed), B/G protection and country/channel setting.