2103 Modem Module
Appendix C Material Safety Data Sheets
Section 4 – First Aid Measures
Eyes: Rinse the eyes well with water while lifting the eye lids. If irritation persists, consult a physician.
Skin: Wash affected area with soap and water.
Ingestion: Ingestion is unlikely, this material will pass through the body normally.
Inhalation: Remove the affected person to fresh air and get medical attention if necessary.
Notes to Physician: Not applicable
Section 5 – Fire Fighting Measures
Flammable Properties: | Not flammable |
Flash Point: | Not applicable | Method: | Not applicable |
Flammable Limits: | Not flammable |
Lower Flammability Limit: Not applicable
Upper Flammability Limit: Not applicable
Autoignition Temperature: Not applicable
Hazardous Combustion Products: Not applicable
Extinguishing Media: Use extinguishing media that is appropriate for the surrounding fire. Silica gel is not combustible.
Fire Fighting Instructions: Not combustible
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None
Section 6 – Accidental Release Measures
Spill: Sweep or vacuum up and place the spilled material in a waste disposal container. Avoid raising dust. Wash with soap and water after handling.
Section 7 – Handling and Storage
Handling: Avoid raising dust and minimize the contact between worker and the material. Practice good hygienic work practices.
Storage: Store in a cool, dry location. Keep in sealed containers away from moisture. The silica gel will readily adsorb moisture.