GSM2218PB001MAN - GSM/GPRS MT-GL User Manual Page 15
Copyright 2005, Enfora L.P
2.6 Connecting GPS Antenna
The user must supply the GPS antenna. The GPS receiver inside the MT-GL powers the pre-amplifier
in the GPS antenna (Active-style) by applying a power of 3.3 Volts to the center conductor of the RF
input to the GPS receiver. If a passive-style GPS antenna must be used, please verify that it has a
DC block installed in order to prevent shorting to ground. GPS antenna connector on the MT-GL
model is a SMA female connector. The GPS antenna must be placed in an area where it can have
direct view of the sky.
The GPS antenna must be connected to the connector labeled “GPS ANT”. See Figure 12 - GPS
Antenna Connection.
User must disconnect power before connecting the GPS antenna GPS
Figure 12 - GPS Antenna Connection