Tips for Getting Great Pictures From Your Camera
Here are some tips to help you select the best camera settings. Conditions and subjects vary, so these settings may not be exactly right for your specific photograph.
This section suggests advanced settings that are described in detail
in your User’s Guide. Many of these settings can only be changed in Manual or Program mode. (See “Using the LCD SETUP and View Screens” to change the user mode.)
If you are taking pictures in bright sunlight:
◗Reduce the automatic exposure setting.
◗Use a fast shutter speed or narrow aperture setting.
◗Use an optional filter with the PhotoPC 3100Z’s included lens adapter to cut down on excessive light and protect the camera’s lens.
If you are taking pictures when it is cloudy, you might want to adjust your camera settings as follows:
◗Increase the automatic exposure setting.
◗Try using fixed white balance.